Matt and I are so excited to be expecting a baby! Baby H will be here on June 2! and we can't wait. We had our 1st sonogram and doctors appointment on Tuesday. It was so neat to see the sonogram with the babys heart beat. It was 172 beats per minute and measured right on schedule at 9 weeks! We also got to see Baby H move on the sonogram and I couldn't believe how tiny it actually was when the sonogram tech told us. A little less than 2 centimeters, I mean really??!! We are so excited and feel so blessed to be having a baby! Please keep us in your prayers for a smooth pregnancy. So far we have been lucky with no sickness or nausea. Only sleepiness....I feel like I could sleep 23 of the 24 hours each day, but hey, I will take that over sickness anytime. I've posted our sonogram pictures too. I can't help myself but stare at them. It's really a miracle!